We can live alone on an island in the ocean, or an island of isolation of our own creation. But is that truly living or is it just surviving. Great workplace cultures are great because of relationships and the energy, creativity and enlightenment that is inherent in them. I have long admired the writings and wisdom of author C.S. Lewis
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Art, and The Leaders First Responsibility ~ Max Depree
Most of us have a stack or two of leadership books…and many can, without hesitation, identify our most favorite. These are often the books that helped us shape, define and also refine our personal leadership philosophy. One of my top 5 favorite books on Leadership is “The Art of Leadership by Max DePree— From it’s pages I have
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Passing the Orange Test- A Management Parable
I heard this parable 2 years ago and can’t stop thinking about it… I hope you find it as Juicy and a-peeling as I do. 🙂 Sorry, couldn’t resist. ~ Kirk The Parable of the Oranges I would like to share a modern-day parable that I will call “The Parable of the Oranges.” As you listen, consider what this
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Perfect Moments and the Fairy Queen
The world seems in a rush to point out and hold up the weaknesses, flaws and inconsistencies of places, policies, politics, and people. And certainly one cannot deny that they exist. We live on spinning planet filled with imperfect people responding to all sorts of conflicts, prejudices and problems. But if we persist in being fixated on the darkness of
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Pack Lighter, Live and Lead Simpler
Travel has been a big part of my life for over 30 years now. I’m no expert on packing but my habits over the years have led to a much lighter suit case, and much simpler process in preparing for any trip. Still, it’s easy to over pack. Mean while staying lean and keeping it simple can help you be
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The Leader Whisper – Louder Please
I pulled this from a Leap-Frog e-zine…. love it! I think you will too! Psst… What advice would you whisper in the ear of a senior leader? We asked thought leaders, industry leaders and leading practitioners that we work with the following question: If you had 25 words or less to whisper in the ear of a senior leader….to dramatically
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Vampires, VamPeers and the More or Less Culture
There is no contest between the company that buys the grudging compliance of its work force and the company that enjoys the enterprising participation of its employees .- Ricardo Sempler Do you work with vampires? People who seem to suck the blood of positive culture right out of the room? You know, the sad, mad, sarcastic and toxically cynical c0-workers
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Challenging Winds, Choosing Focus, Captaining Your Culture
People often talk to me about all that is wrong with their workplace culture, they are disappointed and discouraged. And with low engagement, toxic leaders or co-workers, or uncertainty due to rapid industry change and outsourcing, they have every right to be. But let’s not set up camp, build a frustration fire to gather around and tell stories about broken
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If I Lived 100 Days, like I did Today…?
(Special Announcement at End of Post) “Who you are today is a collection of your yesterdays.” I was inspired today when I read how this bit for wisdom was used by a Grandmother to help inspire her grandchildren to consider more carefully how their daily decisions would ultimately determine their destiny. I remember nearly 2 decades ago when an entrepreneurial friend shared
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Do You Really Want a Strong Leader… I mean Really?
Do we really want a strong leader? I remember having a wonderful discussion with someone I had just met about this topic. During the course of our conversation we both agreed that we loved the subject of leadership, and we had throughout our lives had many strong leaders that we loved. And others not so much. And it was
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